Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Music of nostalgia + how to play the notes

Ok today i will show you what i play on my recorder the first is the lost woods song and the second is the one for temple of time i learned it in two weeks have fun + the note in English and the holes


  1. My daughters have a recorder. Will have to teach em this. Thanx.

  2. Oh wow...Music from Ocarina of Time. Now if only I knew how to play it (or read it for that matter). :)

  3. Never learned to sight read I'm sad to say.

  4. i miss my recorder... although i did play clarinet for a bit... but now i'm happy to say i play guitar

  5. maybe next time you could upload an accompanying audio file/link?

  6. I remember learning to play these songs on the piano.

    That was when I actually had time to practice...

  7. Oh, you just gave me a nostalgiagasm. xD

  8. thats jibberish to me..cant read that if my life depended on it

  9. Oh man I wish I could play an instrument. I'd start playing the Temple of Time music and I wouldn't be able to keep the ladies off me

  10. I started to learn recorder in my music 101 class towards the end of college when I took a grip of electives....I kind of loved it. haha
